Babette's Beastly Birthday Book

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A bibliography of American periodicals found in the libra- ries of Cleveland and Oberlin, Ohio, to the year 1900. Ancient and rare North Caroliniana; a brief re- sume of some of the early and rare pub- lications on North Carolina from 1524 to 1929. Divi- sion of aeronautics 145a, 236a, 237 U. Divi- sion of documents 1071, 5665- 8 U. Chicago Book and Art Auctions, Inc. 1933. 66p. 5362 ■ Madigan, Thomas F. Macmillan. 1924. 257p. 3251 and Covert, Timon.

Pages: 18

Publisher: Heinemann Young Books (September 3, 1990)

ISBN: 0434932914


Union Catalog of Letters to Clemens (UC Publications in Catalogs and Bibliographies)

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