CDMA: Access and Switching: For Terrestrial and Satellite

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This browser does not support inline frames, or it is currently configured not to display inline frames. Repeat the above problem for deep water waves. 17. Equivalent to Principles of Electrical Engineering II Laboratory ( 14:332:224 ). Wolfgang Pauli used matrix mechanics to calculate the structure of the hydrogen atom, reproducing Bohr's results. What does all that have to do with you and your life? Transverse waves are waves where the disturbance moves perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

Pages: 280

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (March 21, 2001)

ISBN: 0471491845

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The wavelength of the water wave is the minimum distance between two identical points, for example, the distance between two consecutive crests or two consecutive troughs , source: Introduction to wave mechanics Introduction to wave mechanics. Covers a range of solid-state phenomena that can be understood within an independent particle description. Topics include: chemical versus band-theoretical description of solids, electronic band structure calculation, lattice dynamics, transport phenomena and electrodynamics in metals, optical properties, semiconductor physics. (F) Deals with collective effects in solids arising from interactions between constituents Optical Bit Error Rate: An Estimation Methodology PI; var bouncingBall1IsBigPoints = true; var bouncingBall1BigPointsAreaColor = 'yellow'; var bouncingBall1BigPointsLineColor = 'black'; var bouncingBall1BigPointsRadius = 5; // Pixels; var bouncingBall1AxisThickness = 3; var bouncingBall1XAxisColor = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'; var bouncingBall1YAxisColor = 'rgb( 0, 255, 0)'; var bouncingBall1OriginColor = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; var bouncingBall1GridColor = 'rgb(200, 200, 200)'; var bouncingBall1GridThickness = 1; var bouncingBall1GridDeltaX = 1.0; var bouncingBall1GridDeltaY = 1.0; var bouncingBall1TurtleX = 0.0; var bouncingBall1TurtleY = 0.0; var bouncingBall1TurtleHeading = 0.0; var bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown = true; bouncingBall1SetupGraph = function() { bouncingBall1ClearGraph(); bouncingBall1DrawGrid(); bouncingBall1DrawAxes(); bouncingBall1DrawOrigin(); bouncingBall1SetAreaColor('yellow'); bouncingBall1SetLineThickness(2); bouncingBall1SetLineColor('black'); }; bouncingBall1ClearGraph = function() { bouncingBall1GC.clearRect(0, 0, bouncingBall1DeviceWidthPlus1, bouncingBall1DeviceHeightPlus1); }; bouncingBall1WorldToDeviceX = function(worldX) { return Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (worldX - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)); }; bouncingBall1WorldToDeviceY = function(worldY) { return Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (worldY - bouncingBall1WorldYMin))); }; bouncingBall1SetLineThickness = function(thickness) { bouncingBall1GC.lineWidth = thickness; }; bouncingBall1SetLineCap = function(capStyle) // 'butt', 'round', or 'square' { bouncingBall1GC.lineCap = capStyle; }; bouncingBall1SetLineJoin = function(joinStyle) // 'round', 'bevel', or 'miter'' { bouncingBall1GC.lineJoin = joinStyle; }; bouncingBall1SetLineColor = function(color) { bouncingBall1GC.strokeStyle = color; }; bouncingBall1SetAreaColor = function(color) { bouncingBall1GC.fillStyle = color; }; bouncingBall1DrawPoint = function(worldX, worldY) { if(bouncingBall1IsBigPoints) { bouncingBall1GC.beginPath(); bouncingBall1GC.arc(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (worldX - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (worldY - bouncingBall1WorldYMin))), bouncingBall1BigPointsRadius, 0.0, bouncingBall1TwoPi, true); bouncingBall1GC.fill(); bouncingBall1GC.stroke(); } else { bouncingBall1GC.beginPath(); bouncingBall1GC.moveTo(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (worldX - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (worldY - bouncingBall1WorldYMin)))); bouncingBall1GC.lineTo(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (worldX - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (worldY - bouncingBall1WorldYMin)))); bouncingBall1GC.stroke(); } }; bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment = function(worldX1, worldY1, worldX2, worldY2) { bouncingBall1GC.beginPath(); bouncingBall1GC.moveTo(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (worldX1 - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (worldY1 - bouncingBall1WorldYMin)))); bouncingBall1GC.lineTo(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (worldX2 - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (worldY2 - bouncingBall1WorldYMin)))); bouncingBall1GC.stroke(); }; bouncingBall1DrawArcLine = function(x, y, r, angle1, angle2) // World. { r = Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * r); // x- and y-axes must be scaled the same. x = bouncingBall1WorldToDeviceX(x); y = bouncingBall1WorldToDeviceY(y); if(bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees) { angle1 *= bouncingBall1RadiansPerDegree; } while(angle1 < 0.0) { angle1 += bouncingBall1TwoPi; } while(angle1 > bouncingBall1TwoPi) { angle1 -= bouncingBall1TwoPi; } if(bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees) { angle2 *= bouncingBall1RadiansPerDegree; } while(angle2 < 0.0) { angle2 += bouncingBall1TwoPi; } while(angle2 > bouncingBall1TwoPi) { angle2 -= bouncingBall1TwoPi; } bouncingBall1GC.beginPath(); bouncingBall1GC.arc(x, y, r, angle1, -angle2, true); bouncingBall1GC.stroke(); }; bouncingBall1RectangleArea = function(x, y, width, height) // World. { bouncingBall1GC.fillRect(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (x - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (y - bouncingBall1WorldYMin))), Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (width)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (height))); }; bouncingBall1RectangleLine = function(x, y, width, height) // World. { bouncingBall1GC.strokeRect(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (x - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (y - bouncingBall1WorldYMin))), Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (width)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (height))); }; bouncingBall1RectangleClear = function(x, y, width, height) // World. { bouncingBall1GC.clearRect(Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (x - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DeviceHeight - (bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (y - bouncingBall1WorldYMin))), Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX * (width)), Math.round(bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY * (height))); }; bouncingBall1DrawAxes = function() { bouncingBall1SetLineThickness(bouncingBall1AxisThickness); bouncingBall1SetLineColor(bouncingBall1XAxisColor); bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1WorldXMin, 0.0, bouncingBall1WorldXMax, 0.0); bouncingBall1SetLineColor(bouncingBall1YAxisColor); bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(0.0, bouncingBall1WorldYMin, 0.0, bouncingBall1WorldYMax); bouncingBall1SetLineColor(bouncingBall1OriginColor); bouncingBall1DrawPoint(0.0, 0.0); }; bouncingBall1DrawOrigin = function() { bouncingBall1SetLineThickness(bouncingBall1OriginLineThickness); bouncingBall1SetLineColor(bouncingBall1OriginLineColor); bouncingBall1SetAreaColor(bouncingBall1OriginAreaColor); var x = bouncingBall1WorldToDeviceX(0) - 2; var y = bouncingBall1WorldToDeviceY(0) - 2; bouncingBall1GC.fillRect(x, y, 4, 4); bouncingBall1GC.strokeRect(x, y, 4, 4); }; bouncingBall1DrawGrid = function() { bouncingBall1SetLineThickness(bouncingBall1GridThickness); bouncingBall1SetLineColor(bouncingBall1GridColor); var x, y; for(x = 0.0; x <= bouncingBall1WorldXMax; x += bouncingBall1GridDeltaX) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(x, bouncingBall1WorldYMin, x, bouncingBall1WorldYMax); } for(x = 0.0; x >= bouncingBall1WorldXMin; x -= bouncingBall1GridDeltaX) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(x, bouncingBall1WorldYMin, x, bouncingBall1WorldYMax); } for(y = 0.0; y <= bouncingBall1WorldYMax; y += bouncingBall1GridDeltaY) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1WorldXMin, y, bouncingBall1WorldXMax, y); } for(y = 0.0; y >= bouncingBall1WorldYMin; y -= bouncingBall1GridDeltaY) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1WorldXMin, y, bouncingBall1WorldXMax, y); } }; bouncingBall1SetBounds = function(worldXMin, worldXMax, worldYMin, worldYMax) { bouncingBall1WorldXMin = worldXMin; bouncingBall1WorldXMax = worldXMax; bouncingBall1WorldYMin = worldYMin; bouncingBall1WorldYMax = worldYMax; bouncingBall1WorldPerDeviceX = (bouncingBall1WorldXMax - bouncingBall1WorldXMin) / (bouncingBall1DeviceWidth); bouncingBall1WorldPerDeviceY = (bouncingBall1WorldYMax - bouncingBall1WorldYMin) / (bouncingBall1DeviceHeight); bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldX = (bouncingBall1DeviceWidth) / (bouncingBall1WorldXMax - bouncingBall1WorldXMin); bouncingBall1DevicePerWorldY = (bouncingBall1DeviceHeight) / (bouncingBall1WorldYMax - bouncingBall1WorldYMin); }; bouncingBall1ShowBounds = function() { // TODO: Present graph bounds. }; bouncingBall1InitializeTurtle = function() { bouncingBall1TurtleX = 0.0; bouncingBall1TurtleY = 0.0; bouncingBall1TurtleHeading = 0.0; bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown = true; }; bouncingBall1PenUp = function() { bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown = false; }; bouncingBall1PenDown = function() { bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown = true; }; bouncingBall1SetH = function(a) { if(bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees) { a *= bouncingBall1RadiansPerDegree; } while(a < 0.0) { a += bouncingBall1TwoPi; } while(a > bouncingBall1TwoPi) { a -= bouncingBall1TwoPi; } bouncingBall1TurtleHeading = a; }; bouncingBall1Home = function() { bouncingBall1TurtleX = 0.0; bouncingBall1TurtleY = 0.0; bouncingBall1TurtleHeading = 0.0; }; bouncingBall1Forward = function(d) { var turtleNewX; var turtleNewY; turtleNewX = bouncingBall1TurtleX + d * Math.cos(bouncingBall1TurtleHeading); turtleNewY = bouncingBall1TurtleY + d * Math.sin(bouncingBall1TurtleHeading); if(bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1TurtleX, bouncingBall1TurtleY, turtleNewX, turtleNewY); } bouncingBall1TurtleX = turtleNewX; bouncingBall1TurtleY = turtleNewY; }; bouncingBall1Back = function(d) { bouncingBall1Forward(-d); }; bouncingBall1Right = function(a) { var turtleNewHeading; if(bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees) { a *= bouncingBall1RadiansPerDegree; } turtleNewHeading = bouncingBall1TurtleHeading - a; while(turtleNewHeading < 0.0) { turtleNewHeading += bouncingBall1TwoPi; } while(turtleNewHeading > bouncingBall1TwoPi) { turtleNewHeading -= bouncingBall1TwoPi; } bouncingBall1TurtleHeading = turtleNewHeading; }; bouncingBall1Left = function(a) { bouncingBall1Right(-a); }; bouncingBall1SetX = function(x) { if(bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1TurtleX, bouncingBall1TurtleY, x, bouncingBall1TurtleY); } bouncingBall1TurtleX = x; }; bouncingBall1SetY = function(y) { if(bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1TurtleX, bouncingBall1TurtleY, bouncingBall1TurtleX, y); } bouncingBall1TurtleY = y; }; bouncingBall1SetXY = function(x, y) { if(bouncingBall1TurtleIsPenDown) { bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1TurtleX, bouncingBall1TurtleY, x, y); } bouncingBall1TurtleX = x; bouncingBall1TurtleY = y; }; bouncingBall1SetDegrees = function() { bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees = true; }; bouncingBall1SetRadians = function() { bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees = false; }; bouncingBall1Sine = function(a) { return Math.sin((bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees)? (a * bouncingBall1RadiansPerDegree): a); }; bouncingBall1Cosine = function(a) { return Math.cos((bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees)? (a * bouncingBall1RadiansPerDegree): a); }; bouncingBall1Tangent = function(a) { return Math.tan((bouncingBall1IsAngleMeasurementInDegrees)? (a * bouncingBall1RadiansPerDegree): a); }; bouncingBall1RandomX = function() { return bouncingBall1WorldXMin + (Math.random() * (bouncingBall1WorldXMax - bouncingBall1WorldXMin)); }; bouncingBall1RandomY = function() { return bouncingBall1WorldYMin + (Math.random() * (bouncingBall1WorldYMax - bouncingBall1WorldYMin)); }; ////////// // End: bouncingBall1 (x, y) graph canvas ////////// ////////// // Start: bouncingBall1 animation timeline ////////// var bouncingBall1Fps = 6; var bouncingBall1FrameIndex = 0; var bouncingBall1UserEventHandler = null; var bouncingBall1SystemEventHandler = null; var bouncingBall1Done = false; var bouncingBall1Timeout = null; var bouncingBall1TimeoutPeriod = 1000 / bouncingBall1Fps; bouncingBall1TimelineInitialize = function() { }; bouncingBall1Start = function() { clearTimeout(bouncingBall1Timeout); bouncingBall1Timeout = null; bouncingBall1UserEventHandler = null; bouncingBall1SystemEventHandler = null; bouncingBall1Done = false; bouncingBall1FrameIndex = 0; bouncingBall1SetUp(); bouncingBall1NextFrame(); }; bouncingBall1Resume = function() { bouncingBall1Done = false; bouncingBall1NextFrame(); }; bouncingBall1Pause = function() { clearTimeout(bouncingBall1Timeout); bouncingBall1Timeout = null; bouncingBall1Done = true; }; bouncingBall1Stop = function() { clearTimeout(bouncingBall1Timeout); bouncingBall1Timeout = null; bouncingBall1UserEventHandler = null; bouncingBall1SystemEventHandler = null; bouncingBall1Done = true; bouncingBall1SetDown(); }; bouncingBall1GotoFrame = function(frameIndex) { bouncingBall1FrameIndex = frameIndex; }; bouncingBall1SetUp = function() { }; bouncingBall1SetDown = function() { }; bouncingBall1NextFrame = function() { /* if(bouncingBall1UserEventHandler) { bouncingBall1UserEventHandler(); bouncingBall1UserEventHandler = null; } if(bouncingBall1SystemEventHandler) { bouncingBall1SystemEventHandler(); bouncingBall1SystemEventHandler = null; } */ bouncingBall1EveryFrameHandler(); //bouncingBall1SpecificFrameHandler(); if(!bouncingBall1Done) { bouncingBall1FrameIndex++; bouncingBall1Timeout = setTimeout(bouncingBall1NextFrame, bouncingBall1TimeoutPeriod); } }; bouncingBall1EveryFrameHandler = function() { // Every frame code goes here. }; bouncingBall1SpecificFrameHandler = function() { return; // Remove for use. //switch(bouncingBall1FrameIndex) //{ // case 0: // // // Specific frame code goes here. // // break; //} }; ////////// // End: bouncingBall1 animation timeline ////////// ////////// // Start: bouncingBall1 particle motion ////////// // Mass. var bouncingBall1M = 1.0; // X-axis. var bouncingBall1Xo = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Vxo = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Axo = 0.0; var bouncingBall1X1 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1X2 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Vx1 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Vx2 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Ax1 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Ax2 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Fx = 0.0; var bouncingBall1XMin = -10.0; var bouncingBall1XMax = 10.0; // Y-axis. var bouncingBall1Yo = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Vyo = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Ayo = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Y1 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Y2 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Vy1 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Vy2 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Ay1 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Ay2 = 0.0; var bouncingBall1Fy = 0.0; var bouncingBall1YMin = -10.0; var bouncingBall1YMax = 10.0; // Z-axis. //var bouncingBall1Zo = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Vzo = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Azo = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Z1 = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Z2 = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Vz1 = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Vz2 = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Az1 = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Az2 = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1Fz = 0.0; //var bouncingBall1ZMin = -10.0; //var bouncingBall1ZMax = 10.0; // Time interval per advance. var bouncingBall1Dt = 0.1; // Current time. var bouncingBall1T = 0.0; bouncingBall1ParticleMotionInitialize = function() { }; bouncingBall1SetOriginals = function() { bouncingBall1X1 = bouncingBall1X2 = bouncingBall1Xo; bouncingBall1Vx1 = bouncingBall1Vx2 = bouncingBall1Vxo; bouncingBall1Ax1 = bouncingBall1Ax2 = bouncingBall1Axo; bouncingBall1Y1 = bouncingBall1Y2 = bouncingBall1Yo; bouncingBall1Vy1 = bouncingBall1Vy2 = bouncingBall1Vyo; bouncingBall1Ay1 = bouncingBall1Ay2 = bouncingBall1Ayo; //bouncingBall1Z1 = bouncingBall1Z2 = bouncingBall1Zo; //bouncingBall1Vz1 = bouncingBall1Vz2 = bouncingBall1Vzo; //bouncingBall1Az1 = bouncingBall1Az2 = bouncingBall1Azo; bouncingBall1T = 0.0; }; bouncingBall1Advance = function() { // New position. bouncingBall1X2 = bouncingBall1X1 + (bouncingBall1Vx1 * bouncingBall1Dt) + (0.5 * bouncingBall1Ax1 * bouncingBall1Dt * bouncingBall1Dt); bouncingBall1Y2 = bouncingBall1Y1 + (bouncingBall1Vy1 * bouncingBall1Dt) + (0.5 * bouncingBall1Ay1 * bouncingBall1Dt * bouncingBall1Dt); //bouncingBall1Z2 = bouncingBall1Z1 + (bouncingBall1Vz1 * bouncingBall1Dt) + (0.5 * bouncingBall1Az1 * bouncingBall1Dt * bouncingBall1Dt); // New force. //bouncingBall1Fx = 1.0; //bouncingBall1Fy = 1.0; //bouncingBall1Fz = 1.0; // New acceleration. bouncingBall1Ax2 = bouncingBall1Ax1; bouncingBall1Ay2 = bouncingBall1Ay1; //bouncingBall1Az2 = bouncingBall1Az1; //bouncingBall1Ax2 = bouncingBall1Fx / bouncingBall1M; //bouncingBall1Ay2 = bouncingBall1Fy / bouncingBall1M; //bouncingBall1Az2 = bouncingBall1Fy / bouncingBall1M; // New Velocity. bouncingBall1Vx2 = bouncingBall1Vx1 + (((bouncingBall1Ax1 + bouncingBall1Ax2) / 2.0) * bouncingBall1Dt); bouncingBall1Vy2 = bouncingBall1Vy1 + (((bouncingBall1Ay1 + bouncingBall1Ay2) / 2.0) * bouncingBall1Dt); //bouncingBall1Vz2 = bouncingBall1Vz1 + (((bouncingBall1Az1 + bouncingBall1Az2) / 2.0) * bouncingBall1Dt); // X Bounce if(bouncingBall1X2 > bouncingBall1XMax) { //bouncingBall1X2 = (2 * bouncingBall1XMax) - bouncingBall1X2; bouncingBall1Vx2 = -bouncingBall1Vx2; } else if(bouncingBall1X2 < bouncingBall1XMin) { //bouncingBall1X2 = (2 * bouncingBall1XMin) - bouncingBall1X2; bouncingBall1Vx2 = -bouncingBall1Vx2; } // Y Bounce if(bouncingBall1Y2 > bouncingBall1YMax) { bouncingBall1Vy2 = -bouncingBall1Vy2; } else if(bouncingBall1Y2 < bouncingBall1YMin) { bouncingBall1Vy2 = -bouncingBall1Vy2; } // Z Bounce //if(bouncingBall1Z2 > bouncingBall1ZMax) //{ // bouncingBall1Vz2 = -bouncingBall1Vz2; //} //else if(bouncingBall1Z2 < bouncingBall1ZMin) //{ // bouncingBall1Vz2 = -bouncingBall1Vz2; //} // Tic-toc. bouncingBall1T += bouncingBall1Dt; }; bouncingBall1NewToOld = function() { // Position. bouncingBall1X1 = bouncingBall1X2; bouncingBall1Y1 = bouncingBall1Y2; //bouncingBall1Z1 = bouncingBall1Z2; // Velocity. bouncingBall1Vx1 = bouncingBall1Vx2; bouncingBall1Vy1 = bouncingBall1Vy2; //bouncingBall1Vz1 = bouncingBall1Vz2; // Acceleration. bouncingBall1Ax1 = bouncingBall1Ax2; bouncingBall1Ay1 = bouncingBall1Ay2; //bouncingBall1Az1 = bouncingBall1Az2; }; ////////// // End: bouncingBall1 particle motion ////////// // bouncingBall1_ main animation file var bouncingBall1TrailsX = new Array(); var bouncingBall1TrailsY = new Array(); var bouncingBall1TrailsColor = new Array(); var bouncingBall1NumTrails = 7; bouncingBall1TrailsColor[0] = '#222222'; bouncingBall1TrailsColor[1] = '#444444'; bouncingBall1TrailsColor[2] = '#666666'; bouncingBall1TrailsColor[3] = '#888888'; bouncingBall1TrailsColor[4] = '#aaaaaa'; bouncingBall1TrailsColor[5] = '#cccccc'; bouncingBall1TrailsColor[6] = '#eeeeee'; bouncingBall1Initialize = function() { bouncingBall1Xo = bouncingBall1RandomX(); bouncingBall1Vxo = 5.0 + Math.random() * 5.0; bouncingBall1Vxo = Math.random() < 0.5? bouncingBall1Vxo: -bouncingBall1Vxo; bouncingBall1Axo = 0.0; bouncingBall1Yo = bouncingBall1WorldYMin; bouncingBall1Vyo = 10.0 + Math.random() * 10.0; //bouncingBall1Vyo = Math.random() < 0.5? bouncingBall1Vyo: -bouncingBall1Vyo; bouncingBall1Ayo = -9.8; }; bouncingBall1SetUp = function() { bouncingBall1SetOriginals(); for(var i = 0; i < bouncingBall1NumTrails; i++) { bouncingBall1TrailsX[i] = bouncingBall1X1; bouncingBall1TrailsY[i] = bouncingBall1Y1; } }; bouncingBall1SetDown = function() { }; bouncingBall1EveryFrameHandler = function() { bouncingBall1ClearGraph(); bouncingBall1Advance(); bouncingBall1NewToOld(); bouncingBall1TrailsX.pop(); bouncingBall1TrailsX.unshift(bouncingBall1X1); bouncingBall1TrailsY.pop(); bouncingBall1TrailsY.unshift(bouncingBall1Y1); for(var i = 0; i < bouncingBall1NumTrails; i++) { bouncingBall1SetLineColor(bouncingBall1TrailsColor[i]); bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1WorldXMin, bouncingBall1TrailsY[i], bouncingBall1WorldXMax, bouncingBall1TrailsY[i]); bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1TrailsX[i], bouncingBall1WorldYMin, bouncingBall1TrailsX[i], bouncingBall1WorldYMax); } for(var i = 0; i < bouncingBall1NumTrails - 1; i++) { bouncingBall1SetLineColor(bouncingBall1TrailsColor[i]); bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1TrailsX[i], bouncingBall1TrailsY[i], bouncingBall1TrailsX[i+1], bouncingBall1TrailsY[i+1]); } bouncingBall1SetLineColor('black'); bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1WorldXMin, bouncingBall1Y1, bouncingBall1WorldXMax, bouncingBall1Y1); bouncingBall1DrawLineSegment(bouncingBall1X1, bouncingBall1WorldYMin, bouncingBall1X1, bouncingBall1WorldYMax); bouncingBall1DrawPoint(bouncingBall1X1, bouncingBall1Y1); }; Welcome to the Physics Department of Zona Land Education Heat and Concentration Waves: Analysis and Application

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