Growing Friendships: Connecting More Deeply With Those Who

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Satisfies the second institutional requirement in religious and theological studies. Additionally, it is proposed that sinful human action, such as adultery or murder, actually commences in a person's thoughts in the form of lust or anger, and one who carries those thoughts also bears the commensurate guilt. The corresponding commandment at Deut 5:21 puts the wife first. 6 Num24:lff. 7 He had to refrain from sex with other men (Lev 18:22), with animals (Lev 18:23) and with close relatives (Lev 18:6—18). 8 Deut 22:13-21. 9 1 Cor 7:2-4. 10 Matt 19:3-9. 11 Matt 19:10. 12 E.g., 1 Tim 2:11-15; Col 3:18f. 13 For an illuminating survey of the role of ideas of property in biblical sexual ethics, see William L.

Pages: 211

Publisher: Bethany House (December 1, 2007)


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