Plum Sauce: A P. G. Wodehouse Companion

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Keep the Parliamentary phalanx together, but let them be men whose 63S THE IRISH NATIONAL INVINCIBLES. aim is the establishment of an independent nation. Washington detached Major Kelly, with some Pennsylvania troops, to destroy the bridge over which Mawhood retreated so as to impede the advance of the British from that direction. General Thomas Conway, an Irishman who had seen long service in France, made his first appearance as a general in Amer- ica at the battle of the Brandywine, and Lafayette, in his memoirs, speaks of the brilliant manner in which he acquitted himself at tne head of eight hundred men in the encounter with the troops of Cornwallis during the progress of the fight.

Pages: 240

Publisher: Overlook Books (September 2003)

ISBN: 1585674419

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