Science and a Future Life: with Other Essays (Cambridge

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STEVEN SuTCLIFFE CoNCLUSION I do my thing. so to speak. and you do your thing. it typifies the pragmatic grassroots ethos of spiritual virtuosity and its chief agents. 6. Reincarnation: in a New Age context, reincarnation is linked to the concept of ascendant evolution towards becoming divine. In the early- to mid-1900s, American mystic, theologian, and founder of the Association for Research and Enlightenment Edgar Cayce was a seminal influence on what later would be termed the New Age movement; he was known in particular for the practice some refer to as channeling. [40] Another prominent influence was the psychologist Carl Jung, [41] who was a proponent of the concept of the Age of Aquarius. [42] [43] [44] Hanegraaff believed that the New Age movement's direct antecedents could be found in the UFO religions of the 1950s, which he termed a "proto-New Age movement". [45] Many of these new religious movements had strong apocalyptic beliefs regarding a coming new age, which they typically asserted would be brought about by contact with extraterrestrials. [46] Examples of such groups included the Aetherius Society, founded in the UK in 1955, and the Heralds of the New Age, established in New Zealand in 1956. [47] From a historical perspective, the New Age phenomenon is rooted in the counterculture of the 1960s. [48] Although not common throughout the counterculture, usage of the terms "New Age" and "Age of Aquarius" – used in reference to a coming era – were found within it, [49] for instance appearing on adverts for the Woodstock festival of 1969, [50] and in the lyrics of " Aquarius ", the opening song of the 1967 musical Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical. [51] This decade also witnessed the emergence of a variety of new religious movements and newly established religions in the United States, creating a spiritual milieu from which the New Age drew upon; these included the San Francisco Zen Center, Transcendental Meditation, Soka Gakkai, the Inner Peace Movement, the Church of All Worlds, and the Church of Satan. [52] Although there had been an established interest in Asian religious ideas in the U.

Pages: 256

Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (May 19, 2011)

ISBN: 1108027385

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