The Abuse of Power: A Theological Problem

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This endeavour was undermined in a radical way by the rehabilitation of the role of prejudices in knowledge. The Bible tells us to share generously with those in need, and good things will come to us in turn. If, however, we believe that money is the purpose of business, there is no space for genuine love or care—the essence of Christian ethics—in the business world. Jones forms of Christian pacifism are heretical.. ..

Pages: 228

Publisher: Abingdon Press (December 1, 1991)


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But what really aroused public furor was the imposition—from third grade to the end of high school—of a more radical sex education program than the one recommended by the specialists at the WHO. The curriculum was based on the principles of sexology of the notorious Kinsey Institute—third-grade pupils learned, hands-on, about “acceptable” and “unacceptable” touching; fourth graders were encouraged to recognize gender stereotypes and the discrimination of “sexual minorities”; the fifth-grade program analyzed masturbation; the sixth grade included the analysis of pornography and of how it “shows the gender roles of men and women.” Sex was constantly presented as just any other physical act without any moral connotation, the word “love” was mentioned only once, and no mention was made whatsoever of sex as a means of transmitting life Reshaping a Jealous Heart: How to Turn Dissatisfaction into Contentment download online. Another important question that was and actually remains in Christian ethic is the man’s relationship to sin. According to Christian tradition, a human being is thought, as a being that is initially sinful. The concept of original sin is probably the most obvious evidence of this statement. Nowadays the man’s relationship to sin and Christian view on this problem has not practically changed , e.g. In Defense of Civility: How download pdf

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