The Bible Doctrine of Salvation - A Study of the Atonement

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Those of us who believe that Christian ethics has an important role to play in public life wind up doing damage control. Human reasoning can go wrong and often does; and the Christian community has not infrequently misinterpreted God's revelation in Christ and in the Scriptures. If this is correct, then the offense ing to alleviate the offense of other imprecatory psalms; cf. also the striking parallel to 109:6-19 in Jer. 18:19-23). In this argument property is the most concrete instantiation of this principle.

Pages: 280

Publisher: Pomona Press (January 1, 2007)

ISBN: 1406788864

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The scriptures point out that Christian believers are to live and act in certain ways Christian Values in Communist China (Routledge Contemporary China Series) read pdf. The poor would not envy the rich, because there would be no rich. .. All things would be in common.' That is Chrysostom, preaching to the wealthy congregation who first lionized him, and then exiled him, in Constantinople Gifts from the Heart read for free Gifts from the Heart. It was not religion (what in so many of our churches today is called religion) that pagan Rome sought to tear out — it was the doctrine of the equality of human rights! Now imagine, when we men and women of today go before that awful bar, that there we should behold the spirits of those who in our time under this accursed social system were driven into crime; of those who were starved in body and mind; of those little children who, in this city of New York, are being sent out of the world by thousands when they have scarcely entered it — because they do not get food enough, nor air enough; because they are crowded together in these tenement districts under conditions in which all diseases rage and destroy , source: Solidarity and Difference: A Contemporary Reading of Paul's Ethics Solidarity and Difference: A. More particularly: it might query how a contributor to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in a section devoted to the Ten Commandments, could virtually invest the whole traditional Roman Catholic moral catechism with Sinaitic authority.79 Or: it might prompt us to ask to what extent traditional Roman Catholic Church practice in the matter of marriage and divorce still labours under a pre-critical understanding of New Testament texts, or relies on tendentious exegesis, and what modifications of this practice a critical reading of biblical texts might suggest. (Which, I suspect, might lead to marriage being taken more, not less, seriously.) Or: it might put to us the question, whether Paul's alarm in 1 Corinthians 7 at the fact that the Corinthians, or some of them, were opting for celibacy under pressure from (some in) the community, and the theological and prudential reasons Paul gives for vigorously opposing this, might not have some bearing on present-day discussion about mandatory — albeit 'freely opted-for' — celibacy for Roman Catholic diocesan clergy. (As far as I know, this fascinating text - as opposed to bits of it, taken out of context — has never been brought to bear on any such discussion.) Or again: it might raise the query whether a properly contextualized interpretation of Matthew 5 — 7 might challenge nearly every interpretation of 'The Sermon on the Mount' that has hitherto been proposed, in 32 The Bible and Christian ethics that nearly all of them regard the 'Sermon' as a source of law (binding on some or all), without ever asking about the genres of Jesus' sayings, or about Matthew's understanding of Jesus vis-a-vis Torah, or whether Matthew considered law (and not rather the character of Jesus as wisdom Torah in person) to be the prism of God's will for Christians (cf., e.g., Matt ll:28ff., with Sirach 24:19-23; 51:23-26) Economy of Grace read pdf.

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