The Box Book: The Beauty and the Beast of Hong Kong Culture

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Foreword by David Belasco. (Lippin- cott's training ser) 1916 Lippincott 192p il $1.75 An exposition of the practical side of acting drawn from the opinions of successful actors, and written by the editor of the Theatre magazine. A. (Elizabeth A.) Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists. After World War II, the increased professionalism of companies such as Les Compagnons de Saint Laurent in Québec and the New Play Society in Toronto, as well as newly founded professional companies such as the STRATFORD FESTIVAL, CREST THEATRE and the Canadian Players in the 1950s, followed by the emergence of regional theatres across the country beginning in the 1960s, enabled critics to insist on much higher artistic standards than were previously expected of amateur companies.

Pages: 698

Publisher: MCCM Creations; Slp Pap/Dv edition (November 1, 2009)

ISBN: 9889984393

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