The Mechanism Demands a Mysticism: An Exploration of Spirit,

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William. 75-6 angels. 194. 129-30 Bath Lodge of the TS. Only God watches over the children that are yet in the womb because only He could do that. ( Callister & Vega, 1998, p. 292) Although the sense of God's presence and a feeling of closeness to God's power was a reality for many women during childbirth, some of the women identified the spiritual dimensions of childbirth while not espousing a specific religious faith ( Callister et al., 2007; Kartchner & Callister, 2003 ). Wo­ manspirit Rising {New York: Harper & Row) pp. that is left to a continuing dialogue between Pagans and those who study them... 1979: 'Why Women Need the Goddess: Phenomenological.

Pages: 359

Publisher: Medicine Bear Pub (April 1999)

ISBN: 1891850121

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