Riven Rock

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One opinion is that his real name was Amraphel but he was called Nimrod because he led the whole world in rebellion against God (Eruvin 53a). Even writing on a Christian satire blog, I was concerned that I might say something wrong or offend someone. The next secretary proclaimed, “I wish I was on a tour of France!” Immediately her wish too, was granted. Rather, Canadian society was carefully devised to run on the oiled ball bearings of amity and cooperation, ensuring a near-Scandinavian calm, as in: an aversion to firing semi-automatic Russian assault weapons into schoolrooms; the casual embrace of free health insurance even for deadbeats; debate over same-sex marriage that’s about as heated as that over licensing dogs; open arms to immigrants, swarthy and otherwise; volunteering for U.

Pages: 480

Publisher: Penguin Books; First Printing edition (January 1, 1999)

ISBN: 014027166X

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