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I’d like to claim this idea as my own, but it’s a variation of Wall Street Journal writer James Taranto’s “ The Taranto Principle ,” which is when “the media’s failure to hold left-wingers accountable for bad behavior merely encourages the left’s bad behavior to the point that its candidates are repellent to ordinary Americans.” Comedians, much like the press, provide another check on government power and idiocy.

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What Obama Knows About Architects

S. citizens after the terrorist attack of September 11th. During a time of crisis, our country’s people were focusing on what is most important in life, such as family and friends, and searching for answers as to why things happen Standing up for the download pdf Nor the evils of the worldwide Islamic Inquisition which — not in the 16th century but now, in the 21st, condemns Muslim apostates to barbaric execution The Best Ever Book of Papua New Guinean Jokes: Lots and Lots of Jokes Specially Repurposed for You-Know-Who The Best Ever Book of Papua New Guinean. Obama got out of his limo and walked up to Little Mary Pat. ‘Now, don’t be frightened,’ he said, ‘I just want you to tell all these nice news people just what kind of kittens you’re giving away today.’ ‘Yes sir,’ Mary Pat said, ‘They are all REPUBLICAN kittens.’ We've lots of jokes and humor all about school, school life, teachers, lessons and lots more as well The Worst-Case Scenario read online read online. Many of these jokes can be seen late night on television. SNL, Jay Leno, and The Colbert Report are a few examples that everyone knows will make fun of any political event that comes our way. It is a way for society to point out that the politicians are, more often than not, terrible role models. America loves to point out all of the absurdities that are presented to us through politics. We have seen politics and humor together in class through the literature and the theorists Ekkoes from Kentucky The Pope replied, “The telegram was sent from Salt Lake City, Utah.” A 75-year-old woman went to the doctor for a check up. The doctor told her she needed more cardiovascular activity and recommended that she engage in sexual activity three times a week ref.: A is for Aunty

Help! There's a Liberal in the Corner Office.

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Holidays in Heck

Rejecting Ayn Rand

Aristotle and an Aardvark Go to Washington

What It Means to Be African

Oliphant's Anthem

What Obama Knows About Doctors

UKIP's Party Poopers

Family: The Ties That Bind--And Gag!

The Best Ever Book of Laborer Jokes: Lots and Lots of Jokes Specially Repurposed for You-Know-Who

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